Who We ServeIndividuals & Families
Comprehensive & Customized solutions for the management of your Wealth
Our clients value the level of individual attention we dedicate to their specific investment management, estate planning, and philanthropic goals.
Each of our clients is unique. ACM advises individual and families on a wide breadth of needs that accompany accumulated wealth. We assist with multi-generational planning and provide investment education. We also connect our clients to time-saving financial and organizational services that can simplify their lives while maintaining visibility and accountability.
ACM actively manages diversified investment portfolios across the risk spectrum. We focus on achieving long-term compounded investment returns by limiting downside risk to defined drawdown levels first and maximizing after-tax returns within those risk constraints second. Our portfolio management process incorporates the best aspects of active and passive investment strategies by utilizing low cost, tax-efficient investments within the framework of an actively managed portfolio. We seek to enhance returns and moderate risk by tactically allocating capital across and within major asset classes. We do so in a disciplined fashion, guided by our proprietary relative valuation and price trend investment models.
The history of our firm began with the formation and long-lived success of the first Dallas-based hedge fund. We are experienced managers of in-house alternative strategies, both in partnership and separate account form, with performance-based fee structures. These alternative strategies provide our clients with the opportunity to further diversify their investments and enhance the risk/return profile of their overall investment portfolio.
ACM utilizes the most advanced and flexible investment reporting solutions in the industry, providing the ability to customize access, content, and frequency of reporting. We offer clients the same flexible reporting solutions for all their investment accounts, beyond those managed by ACM, so they are able to evaluate their combined investible assets on a single platform. ACM also supports clients with some of the most sophisticated financial planning tools and analytics that include modules for net worth statements, spending analysis, and the administration and performance of private investments.
Many of our clients integrate philanthropic giving into their estate planning and investment strategies. We advise on a variety of gifting strategies and with such structures as charitable trusts, donor-advised funds, and private foundations, in an effort to maximize the tax-efficiency, flexibility, and impact of our clients’ philanthropic pursuits.